The Unified e-Justice Portal is an electronic database of court cases heard by all regional, district, administrative, military, appellate and supreme courts in the Republic of Bulgaria.
- Delivery, installation, configuration and maintenance of IT infrastructure in which the single e-justice portal will operate
One of the main purposes is to ensure that the necessary hardware is in place so that the e-justice portal can operate properly.
The e-justice portal has new interface. The new upgraded version provides the users with broader functionalities, more convenient navigation panel and optimized organization of the electronic court cases.
- New possibility for access of an unregistered user. Each user of the e-justice portal with unregistered access has the chance to revise and download impersonal files of issued judicial acts.
- New digital services for e-justice. The portal provides new possibilities for execution of procedural acts and requests for certification statements in digital format via e-services for citizens and businesses. The initiation of court cases, submission of documents on initiated court cases, service of legal documents to citizens, lawyers and individuals accordingly art.50, line 5 and art. 52 of the Civil Procedure Code could be done by electronic means with additional capability to visualize the exact date of service, as well as digital payment via ePOS terminal and others.
- New possibilities for identification: the users can access the upgraded e-Justice Portal via qualified certificate for electronic signature.