Design and construction of automatic system (SCADA) for monitoring and management

SCOPE: Design and construction of

  • automatic systems for special-purpose communication objects;
  • district management and monitoring systems
  • centralized automatic system SCADA for monitoring and management


  • To create conditions for distant monitoring and management of the systems by remote control center and by implementing innovative technologies for automation
  • Process automation of engineering and technical systems
  • Construction of regional centers for monitoring and management as well as a centralized system for monitoring of the processes at the special purpose communication objects
  • Improving the reliability of the systems during exploitation
  • Improving the efficiency of the activities during exploitation and maintenance


  • Optimal allocation of the resources; visualization of the system work at real time; the whole information is available simultaneously in few places which ensures better emergency responses and management
  • Opportunity for improvement of expense management
  • Provision of remote monitoring and management of the separate systems by the qualified personnel
  • Reduction of financial resources dedicated to the maintenance of the implemented solutions

Client: E.GOV

Period: 2018 - 2021

Status: Executed