Integrated public transport of Burgas


  • Delivery and implementation of electronic ticket system, which includes bus equipment, portable devices for verification and control as well as software system for customer service (front office), system software (back office) and archive of data.
  • Delivery and implementation of a system for automatic vehicle location (AVL)
  • Delivery and implementation of a Real Time Passenger Information System , with displays at bus stops and on buses (RTPIS), as well as web and smartphone applications
  • Delivery and implementation of a video surveillance system (CCTV) in the buses
  • Delivery and implementation of a video surveillance system (CCTV) in crossroads and bus stops
  • Delivery and implementation of a communication system, capable to maintain network system and voice communication
  • Delivery and implementation of a system and equipment for Depo (dispatch center) and transport depo (command and control center)


  • To provide reliable, accessible, safe and quality public transport to citizens and visitors of Burgas city.

  • To ensure effective and financially stable development of the public transport in Burgas in line with the growth of the city and transport needs of the citizens and visitors

  • To provide timely, relevant and accurate information to users of the public transport

  • To provide reliable and environmentally friendly public transport

  • To increase the attractiveness of the public transport in city Burgas through better quality and accessibility to it

  • To improve the functions of Burgas as an important, administrative, economic and social center in south-eastern region of Bulgaria

  • To create conditions for better travel of citizens, including employees and public. Give priority to environmentally friendly types of transport including public transport, cycling and walking.

  • To reduce the congestion and increase the capacity and speed of the public passenger system

  • To reduce carbon emissions from public transport;

  • To improve the transport safety in Burgas


  • Ability to provide a new, flexible pricing policy
  • Increase the quality of the support provided by the Authority
  • Reduce queues: accomplished in two directions – shorter time for issuing of transport documents and flexible period for recharging of the transport documents
  • Reduce the usage of paper tickets and paper passes
  • Receive information on passenger flow which helps to optimize public transport network
  • Reduce the number of frauds
  • Acquire comprehensive, timely, detailed and objective information within the temporary validity of the unified transport documents of public transport in Burgas i.e design, issue, sale, distribution, usage, control, update, recharge, blacklist etc.

Client: Municipality Burgas

Period: 2015

Status: Executed

Budget: 1 500 000 bGN